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Beethoven - Adagio for Cello and Piano WoO 43b (SCHOTT)

  • Precio: 13.88 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Violonchelo y piano
  • Compositor: Beethoven. Ludwig van
  • Editora: Schott
  • Redactor: Berger, Julius
  • Publisher Code: CB237
  • ISBN: 9790001179386
  • # Producto: BEETH316

  • Beethoven - Adagio for Cello and Piano WoO 43b (SCHOTT) publicado por Schott.

    Edited by Julius Berger

Beethoven wrote several works for mandolin and piano for Countess Josephine of Clary-Aldringen, who played the mandolin. Four of these works are still extant and have been arranged by Julius Berger for cello and piano.

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Beethoven - Adagio for Cello and Piano WoO 43b (SCHOTT)
Beethoven - Adagio for Cello and Piano WoO 43b (SCHOTT)

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