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Beethoven - Sonatas for Cello and Piano (BAR)

  • Precio: 37.48 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Violonchelo y piano
  • Compositor: Beethoven. Ludwig van
  • Editora: Bärenreiter
  • Redactor: Del Mar, Jonathan
  • ISBN: M006524228
  • Grado RCM: EB, TB
  • # Producto: BEETH201

  • Urtext Edition

Scholarship has advanced, new sources have come to light and the renowned Beethoven expert Jonathan Del Mar has turned his attention to the centrally important works in the cello oeuvre , the five Beethoven Sonatas for Violoncello and Piano.

Jonathan Del Mar's scholarly-critical edition not only contains the definitive music text, but also the first critical commentary to these works.

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Beethoven - Sonatas for Cello and Piano (BAR)
Beethoven - Sonatas for Cello and Piano (BAR)Beethoven - Sonatas for Cello and Piano (BAR)

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