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Bach - Suites for Solo Cello BWV 1007-1012 (ST&B)

  • Precio: 20.74 USD
  • Instrument: Violonchelo
  • Sub Category: Violonchelo solo
  • Compositor: Bach, Johann Sebastian
  • Editora: Stainer & Bell
  • Redactor: Tortelier, Paul
  • ISBN: 220200519
  • # Producto: BACH027

  • Bach - Suites for Solo Cello BWV 1007-1012 (ST&B) publicado por Stainer & Bell.

    Edited by Paul Tortelier

Table of Contents:

1. Suite No. I in G
2. Suite No. II in D minor
3. Suite No. III in C
4. Suite No. IV in E flat
5. Suite No. V in C minor
6. Suite No. VI in D

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Bach - Suites for Solo Cello BWV 1007-1012 (ST&B)
Bach - Suites for Solo Cello BWV 1007-1012 (ST&B)Bach - Suites for Solo Cello BWV 1007-1012 (ST&B)

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