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String Builder - Book III

  • Precio: 7.45 USD
  • Instrument: Música de cámara, Violín
  • Instrumentación: Métodos para violín
  • Sub Category: Ensamble flexible, Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para violín
  • Compositor: Applebaum, Samuel
  • Editora: Belwin Mills Publishing
  • Publisher Code: EL01556
  • ISBN: 0769231349
  • # Producto: APPLE074

  • String Builder - Book III publicado por Belwin Mills Publishing.

The Belwin String Builder is a string class Method in which the Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass play together throughout. Each book, however, is a complete unit and may be used separately, for class or individual instruction. In Book III, third position on all strings is taught, and simple shifts are introduced, followed by shifts to and from the third position with different fingers. Each type of shift is presented and developed with interesting melodies. The pupil is taught how to build major and minor scales and to play them with the basic bowings, the détaché, martelé, wrist and finger stroke, and the spiccato.

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String Builder - Book III

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