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Applebaum - Duets For Strings, Book 2

  • Precio: 5.54 USD
  • Instrument: Viola
  • Sub Category: Duo para viola
  • Editora: Belwin Mills Publishing
  • Redactor: Applebaum, Samuel
  • Publisher Code: EL02019
  • ISBN: 769214428
  • # Producto: APPLE069

  • Applebaum - Duets For Strings, Book 2 publicado por Belwin Mills Publishing.

Table of Contents:

    1. March (Hohmann)
    2. Passepied (G.F. Handel)
    3. Russian Folk Song (L. Van Beethoven)
    4. Menuett (G.F. Handel)
    5. Sarabande (J. Kuhnau)
    6. Gavotte (G.F Handel)
    7. Menuett (Johann.J. Fux)
    8. Gavotte (G.F. Handel)
    9. Flower Waltz (Joseph Reinagle)
    10.Sarabande (Daniel Speer)
    11. Evening Song (W.A. Mozart)
    12. Bouree (J.S. Bach)
    13. Hallelujah (Round in Two Parts)
    14. Pavane (Paul Peuerl)
    15. Canon (Kunrad Kunz)
    16. Air (Carl Philipp E. Bach)
    17. A Stately Dance (G.F. Handel)
    18. Passepied (G.P. Telemann)
    19. Canon (Kunrad Kunz)
    20. Sarabande (17th Century Dance)
    21. The Rhyme (Jay Fischer)
    22. Flight (17th Century)
    23. A Rondo Theme (I. Pleyel)
    24. Quiet Moon (17th Century Canon)
    25. Le Petit Rien (Francois Couperin)
    26. A Gentle Breeze (17th Century Dance)
    27. The Bluebird (J. Reinagle)
    28. Minuet (W.A. Mozart)

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Applebaum - Duets For Strings, Book 2
Applebaum - Duets For Strings, Book 2

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