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Suzuki Bass School - Volume 1 - Piano Accompaniment - Book

  • Precio: 6.93 USD
  • Instrument: Contrabajo
  • Instrumentación: Métodos para contrabajo
  • Sub Category: Contrabajo y piano, Métodos, estudios, escalas y partes orquestales para contrabajo
  • Editora: Summy-Birchard Inc.
  • Publisher Code: 0372
  • ISBN: 087487372X
  • Genre: Suzuki
  • # Producto: 0087487372X

  • Suzuki Bass School - Volume 1 - Piano Accompaniment - Book publicado por Summy-Birchard Inc..

Teach bass with the popular Suzuki Bass School. This is the piano accompaniment for Suzuki Bass School, Volume 1.

Titles: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star: Variations and Theme (Shinichi Suzuki) * Lightly Row (Folk Song) * Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Folk Song) * May Song (Folk Song) * Song of the Wind, (Folk Song) * O Come, Little Children (Folk Song) * Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Variations (Shinichi Suzuki) * Lightly Row (Folk Song) * Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Folk Song) * Chatter with the Angels (Spiritual) * Song of the Wind (Folk Song) * May Song (Folk Song) * French Folk Song (Folk Song) * O Come, Little Children (Folk Song) * Lament (Bohemian Folk Song) * Perpetual Motion (Shinichi Suzuki) * Allegretto (Shinichi Suzuki) * Allegro (Shinichi Suzuki) * The Little Fiddle (German Folk Song).

This title is available in SmartMusic.

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Suzuki Bass School - Volume 1 - Piano Accompaniment - Book
Suzuki Bass School - Volume 1 - Piano Accompaniment - BookSuzuki Bass School - Volume 1 - Piano Accompaniment - Book

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