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Violin Music in the Chinese Style

  • Price: 12.37 USD
  • Instrument: Violin
  • Sub Category: Violin & Keyboard
  • Composer: Kangnian, Tang
  • Publisher: SMPH
  • Publisher Code: 978-7807511250
  • ISBN: 9787807511250
  • Product #: WU001

  • Violin Music in the Chinese Style published by SMPH.

    Eight Pieces of Violin Music.

Chinese Canadian composer Tang Kangnian was very young when he started to learn violin and piano, and is prolific composer. His works were greatly appreciated by people of all walks of life. Indeed, the two pieces of his work that created the most sensation among two generations of the Chinese people are Longing for Beijing and In a Secret Forest.

Table of Contents

  • Playing on My Precious Violin
  • In a Mystic Place
  • Heart on Fire
  • Dance of the Morning Breeze
  • New Faces of the Motherland
  • In a Secret Forest
  • Yangtze and Yellow River
  • Thinking of Beijing

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Violin Music in the Chinese Style
Violin Music in the Chinese StyleViolin Music in the Chinese Style

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