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Samuel Barber: Music for Violin and Piano

  • Price: 23.70 USD
  • Instrument: Violin
  • Sub Category: Violin & CD, Violin & Keyboard
  • Composer: Barber, Samuel
  • Publisher: Schirmer
  • Editor/Arranger: Walters, Richard
  • Publisher Code: HL50490062
  • RCM Grade: 6C, 7C, 9B, 9C, TC
  • Product #: BARBE060

  • Samuel Barber: Music for Violin and Piano published by Schirmer.

Music for Violin and Piano
by Samuel Barber.

Barber composed few works for violin. Besides the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, he only wrote three pieces for violin. Two of the three are published and recorded for the first time in this collection: Gypsy Dance, written at age 12, and Allegro Agitato, the recently discovered third movement of a violin sonata composed at age 18. His only other violin work was Canzone, an arrangement the composer made of a piece originally written for flute and piano.

Considering the lack of availability of Barber's violin music, transcriptions were a likely avenue. There are further reasons beyond the practical for pursuing new transcriptions for this collection. Barber's timelessly appealing music is inherently lyrical, and it was not a far stretch of the imagination to find suitable selections that are well-suited to the instrument. We hope that the transcriptions included here prove the point.

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Samuel Barber: Music for Violin and Piano
Samuel Barber: Music for Violin and PianoSamuel Barber: Music for Violin and Piano

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