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Bach - Violin Concerto in G Minor, BWV 1056 (BAR)

  • Price: 14.48 USD
  • Instrument: Violin
  • Sub Category: Violin & Keyboard
  • Composer: Bach, Johann Sebastian
  • Publisher: Bärenreiter
  • Publisher Code: BA05146-90
  • ISBN: 9790006565399
  • RCM Grade: 8A
  • Product #: BACH498

  • Bach - Violin Concerto in G Minor, BWV 1056 (BAR) published by Bärenreiter.

This violin concerto in G minor has not come down to us in the form presented here. It has been reconstructed from a lost violin concerto that survives solely in Bach’s arrangement for harpsichord, namely, as the Harpsichord Concerto in F minor (BWV 1056).

The reconstruction is based on a meticulous evaluation of those autograph harpsichord concertos that also survive in an original version for violin. In particular, the autograph harpsichord parts contain changes that Bach made when preparing his arrangements, thereby revealing the manner in which he transcribed his solo violin works for the harpsichord.

The keyboard realization is presented in a transparent way allowing players the possibility to embellish and fill in the harmonies at their discretion.

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Bach - Violin Concerto in G Minor, BWV 1056 (BAR)

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