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Pirastro Perpetual Violin String, E Platinum 26 - 4/4

  • Price: 19.94 USD
  • Manufacturer: Pirastro
  • Brand: Perpetual
  • Instrument: Violin
  • Size: 4/4
  • Product #: SPE11P

  • with removable ball

The Pirastro Perpetual Violin E Platinum 26 String produces sounds that are silvery and very brilliant.

Within the Pirastro family of violin strings, the Perpetual violin strings provides the largest sound volume and carrying power combined with a precisely focused sound projection.

The innovative core material allows a comfortable smoothness during legato, shifting, string crossings, double stops and chords. The extended reverberation of the Perpetual brings forth an exuberant lustre.

Their vibrant tone attack and optimal string response seamlessly complement Perpetual's sound qualities from extreme fortissimo to the most sensitive whisper.

The Perpetual A-, D- and G-strings have a ball-end while the E-string and A-Steel strings are available with a removable ball end.

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Pirastro Perpetual Violin E Platinum 26 String - 4/4

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