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Gidon Kremer & Kremerata Blatica DVD

  • Price: 25.76 USD
  • Publisher: Medici Arts
  • Product #: DVD066

  • Play Schubert, Piazzolla, Schnittke, Rózsa, and Raskatov

Featuring Gidon Kremer--one of the world's foremost violinists--this live recording from Salzburg's 2002 Mozartwoche is an outstanding example of his uncommonly extensive repertoire, featuring as it does not only one of the greatest chamber music pieces ever composed, Schubert's C major Quintet, but also a whole new world of thrilling 20th-century works, from Piazzolla to Raskatov and from Schnittke to Rózsa.

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Gidon Kremer & Kremerata Blatica DVD
Gidon Kremer & Kremerata Blatica DVD

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