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Mr. Bach Comes to Call DVD
- Author: Hammond, Susan
- Publisher: The Children's Group
- Product #: DVD046
Mr. Bach Comes to Call DVD published by The Children's Group.
Music, Drama, History, Fun!
Mr. Bach Comes to Call is pure family entertainment! Based on historical fact, it features more than twenty excerpts of Bach's best-loved works beautifully performed by The Bach Choir of Bethlehem and Bach Festival Orchestra.
BONUS Special Features!
- Music Gallery with more than 50 minutes of music from the award-winning and best-selling Classical Kids series
- Music excerpts from the film, featuring The Bach Choir of Bethlehem and Bach Festival Orchestra
- Excepts from "Make A Joyful Noise," the Emmy award-winning PBS 39 documentary on The Bach Choir of Bethlehem
- Selected activities and sample pages from Classical Kids "Mr. Bach Comes to Call" Teacher's Notes
- Preview of the Emmy award-winning DVD "Beethoven Lives Upstairs"
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