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- Instrument: None
- Author: Jensen, Hans Jorgen, Mycyk, Oleksander
- Publisher: Ovation Press
- ISBN: 9780578320441
- Product #: JENSE004
PracticeMind published by Ovation Press.
The Complete Practice Model
Four part pedagogical method book that will transform the way you practice and perform.
How this book will help you...
- Improve your practice and performance with proven methods backed by decades of teaching experience and research.
- Build practice skills and habits that will elevate your playing (and teaching) to new heights.
- Harness the power of your practice mind to improve the effectiveness of your daily practice and bring joy to the process of advancing your abilities as a musical artist.
- Using proven methods backed by extensive research and teaching experience PracticeMind provides a complete model for improving and sustaining an effective practice routine.
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