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Artino SR-11 Blue Whale Magic Pad For Violin and Viola

  • Price: 5.56 USD
  • Manufacturer: Artino
  • Instrument: Viola, Violin
  • Product #: PMP02BW

The Artino SR-11 Blue Whale Magic Pad is a revolutionary shoulder pad that provides ease of use and comfort. The shoulder pad is secured to the instrument using a reusable adhesive pad without the need of any straps or rubber bands.

Peel the paper backing off the adhesive and position the Magic Pad on the preferred area on your instrument. It is recommended that you remove the Magic Pad from the instrument after each use so do not dispose of paper backing and store for future use. If the adhesive pad gets grimy over time, wipe it clean with a damp cloth

Can be used with a violin or viola.

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Artino SR-11 Blue Whale Magic Pad For Violin and Viola

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