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Etude Violin - 3/4

  • Price: 370.80 USD
  • Instrument: Violin
  • Size: 3/4
  • Product #: VE01X3

Our Etude #100 model instruments are the perfect match for beginning players or players on a budget. These instruments provide remarkable sound, visual beauty, sturdiness, playability, and affordability.

Etude #100 violins are hand carved from seasoned tonewoods with hand-inlaid purfling. Tops are spruce, backs ribs and scrolls are maple. These instruments are set up by professional luthiers in our workshop with Wittner Ultra tailpieces, top-quality Thomastik or Pirastro strings, and French bridges. Our high standard of setup both enhances the sound of our instruments and ensures ease of playability.

These instruments provide the quality and affordability to ensure that players will get the right start.

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Etude Violin - 3/4
Etude Violin - 3/4Etude Violin - 3/4

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