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String Builder Second and Fourth Position

  • Price: 6.82 USD
  • Instrument: Chamber Music, Viola
  • Instrumentation: Viola, Viola Methods
  • Sub Category: String Class Methods, Viola Methods, Studies, Scales & Excerpts
  • Publisher: Belwin Mills Publishing
  • Editor/Arranger: Applebaum, Samuel
  • Publisher Code: 1944
  • ISBN: 769232132
  • Product #: APPLE108

  • String Builder Second and Fourth Position published by Belwin Mills Publishing.

The Second and Fourth Position String Builder is to be used after the Third and Fifth Position String Builder. However, it is also to be used as a continuation of Book III of any of the standard string class methods. Published for violin, viola, cello, bass, piano accompaniment, and teacher's manual.

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String Builder Second and Fourth Position

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